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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 32, Issue 6, pp. 1171-1403

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Variational Approximation of a Second Order Free Discontinuity Problem in Computer Vision

Luigi Ambrosio, Loris Faina, and Riccardo March

pp. 1171-1197

Homogenization of Thin Structures by Two-Scale Method with Respect to Measures

Guy Bouchitté and Ilaria Fragalà

pp. 1198-1226

The Finite Larmor Radius Approximation

Emmanuel Frénod and Eric Sonnendrücker

pp. 1227-1247

On the Trace Approach to the Inverse Scattering Problem in Dimension One

Alexei Rybkin

pp. 1248-1264

Asymptotically-Free Solutions for the Short-Range Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

Kenji Nakanishi

pp. 1265-1271

Fast Evaluation of Radial Basis Functions: Methods for Four-Dimensional Polyharmonic Splines

R. K. Beatson, J. B. Cherrie, and D. L. Ragozin

pp. 1272-1310

Space-Time Periodic Solutions and Long-Time Behavior of Solutions to Quasi-linear Parabolic Equations

G. Barles and P. E. Souganidis

pp. 1311-1323

A Remark on Isopolar Potentials

Maciej Zworski

pp. 1324-1326

Explicit Characterization of Inclusions in Electrical Impedance Tomography

Martin Brühl

pp. 1327-1341

Travelling Waves for Fourth Order Parabolic Equations

Jan Bouwe van den Berg, Josephus Hulshof, and Robertus C. Vandervorst

pp. 1342-1374

Isospectral Flows of Third Order Operators

L. Amour

pp. 1375-1389

Global Existence of Small Solutions to the Quadratic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations in Two Space Dimensions

Nakao Hayashi and Pavel I. Naumkin

pp. 1390-1403